Christos Tsiaras Ph.D.

Technology enthusiast and digitalization expert!

Christos Tsiaras

Hello and welcome to my digital footprint!

I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to share my experiences with you and humbled by your interest in my journey.

Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of working in a diverse range of industries, including manufacturing, finance and telecommunications, as well as academia. These experiences have given me a comprehensive understanding of the technical and business aspects of IT project management, enabling me to communicate effectively with both stakeholders and teams.

What brings me the most joy in my work is the ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and ensure the success of projects, all while staying within the allocated budget and timeline. I believe that this collaborative approach is crucial in creating solutions that are not only efficient and effective, but also sustainable and adaptable.

Beyond my project management skills, I have a strong foundation in programming and various technologies. This allows me to design and implement solutions that meet both the technical specifications and business requirements of organizations, ensuring their long-term success.

Overall, I'm grateful for the opportunities that I have had throughout my career, and I'm committed to using my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on organizations and the people they serve. Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey.

Who am I?

Long story short,
a father, a husband, a geek


People that I will miss,
but I will not forget!

Georgia Vaso Dimitrios Francis Sanel Adrian Tore


When surrounded by great people,
great things happen!

Hackathon Team IT Team IT again Team Thessaloniki Master of disaster


You cannot win alone,
thank you for helping me to grow!

Great team! Great people! More great people! Even more great people! Even more great people! Cool people!